June 12, 2009

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."

-Anthony Brandt

There can be nothing greater then returning home after a long, hard day. There is nothing like home, no matter where or what it is. Never underestimate the power of home, friends and family.

We have these moments, usually after experiencing or learning about an incident of tragedy that we want to take a tight hold on all around us. These moments when we want to hug our kids, kiss our spouse, be with our mom, have coffee with our friends. But why don't we do this more often? Why does it take a jolt of the heart to make us value these things in life more?

I have no answer for that. I don't know why we do the things we do, but I do know that we can change little things that we do to make our lives better. And the fastest way to make our lives better is to make the lives of those around us a little better. My solution to the 'not enough time for family and friends' issue is... make time.

We set appointments for our doctor and our dentist and our councilors, but why not for our family. Decide one day a week or month that you visit a relative. Choose one day a week to have lunch with a friend. Choose one day a week when you actually leave the office at 5 (hell, shoot for the moon and leave early), to go home and be with your family. Turn your cell off, turn your computer off, turn the TV off and actually BE with them. Go to a park, have dinner. Just be there. A few hours a month dedicated to giving your time to those you love can have an amazing effect on your happiness, stress level and general well being.

Give it a shot for 3 months and let me know what happens. My life changed the second I stepped away from my 9-5 (yeah right, my 6am - 7pm) office job to strike out on my own and spend more time with my son. He is better for it and so am I.

Have a Blessed Day,

Send Out Cards

Send a card to tell them that you love them, for free at http://www.sendoutcards.com/celticblessings

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